"Diastatic Power" of beer malt

The "diastatic power" of beer malt has been a constant for assessing the enzymatic power of malt to break down starch for over 100 years. This value is an important quality criterion for malt producers and brewers. In 2021, scientists developed a new test that replaces the classic, time-consuming and environmentally harmful tests [1]. Investigations on more than 25 beer malts showed clear differences in the diastatic power and can be listed on a scale from 50 to 300 MV (maltose value).

The study also showed that while the alpha-amylase produced during germination is important for starch degradation, high beta-amylase activity in the grain is more important. The activity of the beta-amylase is already present in the cereal grain and depends on the growth conditions of the plant. Beta-amylase is therefore a good quality criterion for the choice of grain for malt production.

Let us test your malts:

Diastatic Power:
Maltose Value (MV by [1])
alternatively also Lintner value (°L) or Windisch/Kolbach value (°WK)

Enzyme activities:
alpha-Amylase: (stated in CU or DU activity)
beta-Amylase: (stated in Betamyl-3 or Nelson/Somogyi units)

Contact us for a non-binding offer and further information: info@amplab.de

[1] Lucie M.J. Charmier, Ciara McLoughlin and Barry V. McCleary; 2021; Diastatic power and maltose value: a methodfor the measurement of amylolytic enzymes in malt; J. Inst Brew 127:327-344; https://doi.org/10.1002/jib.665